
Secure Communication in-house and inter-enterprise

The software provides a structure that directly transfers the Program Demands to Çözüm database system and that enables the users to assign tasks to each other and displays and reports the mentioned activities in demanded frequencies.

Çözüm Network Application that is positioned in the right side of Çözüm HIMS interface composes of the main components of Enterprise Users, Other Users, My Tasks, The Tasks I Have Assigned and the sections of the Program Demands, Messages and Prompts.

It provides a solid structure that enables communication via message, prompt and conversation in-house or inter-enterprises.


The software operates under a system that is Internet independent (via Internet if necessary) directly uses the inter-enterprise area network and that enables the enterprise (Çözüm Network Subscribers) users to make conversations with the users that work in the enterprise, to assign tasks and to send messages to each other

During using any Çözüm HIMS software, the users (If they are Çözüm Network Members) are represented with a Green Person icon in the alphabetic user list. If the user is not active, he is represented with a Red Person icon. The users can communicate with other active users. “Sending prompts” option continues functioning even the user is off-line. The messages can be sent to e-mail address of the desired user directly via Çözüm Network Application.

The system that the user is subscribed to and the terminal that the user operates in are defined in parenthesis next to the names of the users.

Çözüm Network Application sustains rapid, easy and secure communication between the users.

Speech texts are represented in form of face-to-face dialogs. The messages are sent as ENTER is pressed after typing the message. The received messages are displayed on the top of the conversation box. Font type, font size etc. on the top of the conversation box, can be changed using the right click of the mouse.

The messages can be typed synchronously during the conversation. If the user gets off-line any time during the conversation is held, the message typing section of the conversation box is given the read-only form disabling the active user to send messages to the off-line user.

In case the passive off-line user signs in again, the conversation box is re-activated.


In case the message sent is not received by the user, the system shows the unsent message to the user whose message was not able to be delivered and inform the user about the situation.

The in-house users can create reminders for their own or for other users within the enterprise.

The system consists of a structure that is designed aiming only at the messages between the inter-enterprise users. A user that is positioned in the upper section of Çözüm Network Application can both prepare a message (the date of the activity is assigned automatically by the system during the message is being created) for another user and for himself and can update the previous messages.

The settings such as on which day and at which hour the message that a user created will be displayed for the first time, when will it be displayed for the last time and in what frequency the message will be displayed, are made by the system. If the date and hour boxes are left empty, the message is displayed only on the date it was prepared. If the user does not want the message to be displayed again, he clicks on the option Do Not Show the Message Again, closes the message and does not receive the message again.


In-house users keep track of the tasks that they will assign to each other or themselves.

By means of the Task option, the users are able to keep the track of the tasks that they will assign to themselves or each other. Until it is accomplished, the task is displayed in Çözüm Network Bar of both the assigner and the assignee.

The summarized description of the task is displayed in the Subject section. The information regarding the date and the hour the task will begin and the period of the task is set by the system. The task is set to be organized including only that day if the time interval section is left empty.

While the user is off-line, a mail regarding the task, is sent to his e-mail address. 

If the users are not active in the system, the system sends an e-mail to the e-mail address so as to maintain communication (if demanded, additional receivers, related to the task, can be added). The files, if there is any, are attached to the mail to be sent using the Attach File or Delete File options.

Çözüm Network Application enables inter-enterprise communication

If Çözüm Network member users want to communicate with the users out of their enterprise, they can add those contacts to their list; the mentioned users are added in the Other Contacts, ready to be communicated with (If there are users that are not wanted to be communicated with, their contact can be prevented using the Block option.

If the added contact is active (if it is not active, when he logs into Çözüm Network) he receives a question message with the content “He/She added you to his/her list for interactive communication, Do You Accept?”. If the added user accepts to add, the communication is activated.

My tasks section in Çözüm Network Application enables monitoring the tasks that the user himself assigned or that are assigned to the user.

The list of the tasks assigned is displayed chronologically, provided that the task assigned most recently is displayed on top. The list also contains the information regarding the name of the assigner and the subject of the task. If the assignee finished the task, he selects the option I Finished My Task

This type of tasks are displayed in yellow font color in the box frame of both the assigner and the assignee until the assigner confirms (the tasks are not displayed after the assigner confirms it).


It is an interface designed to enable the users to monitor the status of the tasks they have assigned. My Tasks facility is displayed and monitored chronologically.

The users apply their program demands in an interactive manner.


Similar to the procedure in all Çözüm HIMS Modules, the users/enterprises apply the demands regarding program changes interactively via the Web site www.cozumbil.com.tr (typing the user code and the password) and monitor the results.

The users activate their demands regarding the options they want to be introduced on or added to their system directly via the program (provided that they are connected to the Internet).

Program demands are kept in Çözüm database. If do not contain any aspect that will damage the overall operating type of the program the demands of the users get positive respond and if contains, the demands get negative respond from the system. After the demands are approved by Çözüm Bilgisayar authorities, the information regarding the program demands are sent to the e-mail address of both the user that demanded the changes and all support experts.

The program demand made is examined by the Çözüm Software Team. The examination can reveal five different conclusions:

Regarded Unnecessary: This is the case where the demand or the addition is considered unnecessary.

Will be introduced later: This is the case where the demand is extensive and hard to implement.


Inadequate Explanation: This is the case where the user announced the program demand, did not give the adequate information on the demand

No Problem Found: This is the case where the experts didn't determine any problems regarding the mentioned program demand.

Done: This is the case where the program demand is performed, the program is re-configured and put into service. If Çözüm Bilgisayar authority made any explanations regarding the program demand or that replies to the program demand, the height of the box frame is increased and a new section is created to display the explanation. The mentioned section contains the explanation that give information to the user that demanded the change about the utilization of the new format.