Objective News about Health & IT

Çanakkale Public Hospital

A Modern  Hospital in Natural Beauty & Historical Affluence City.

            Çanakkale supported its natural beauty & historical affluence with modern & regular settlement, fascinated people with its all charm. It is obviously seen that domestic peoples tranquility to be living in Çanakkale. All of the outcomers that setlled in have a nice story & legitimate reason. When anyone mentions about Çanakkale, people get excited, their eyes shine as is a king of love is discussed. Stories of settling in Çanakkale confirms the conscious preferences of the older people. Çanakkale develps & gets more beautiful in the hands of people who born here or who are from here. Çanakkale which was told to be IMPASSABLE to their enemies in the Independence War, opens its doors to friends with all its hospitability.

           We met dense studies of modern health services due to the necessity; on our visit to Çanakkale Public Hospital, where studies of being a regional hospital are continued.        

            Full Automation System gained a modern mechanism to the hospital by manging totally. Revnue loss & faults caused of manual processes are completely removed.


            Telephone Appointment System provides patients appointments to be without time loss & regularly.

            By using the Hospitals web site patients are provided to view theri information, (using their passwords) physicians are provided to vies patient information. Child Service floors are painted with cartoon characters to prevent child patients fear from hospital. Social Service is established for old & disabled patients to realize treatment processes in a short time.


            Applications like Camera System, Q-matic System have begun to serve.


            In order to obtain information about the new applications in Çanakkale Public Hospital we had an interview with Headdoctor Op.Dr. Orhan Talu.


            -Why did you feel necessity of HIMS?

            Automation became a non abandonable fact. If a hospital doesnt have automation it will be hard to mange that hospital. In a high girod institution like Hospital, administration will experience peoblems because of financial loss not having automation, in addition wprk power loss & lack of control. These reflections will be in both directions. Both hospital management, workers & the patients that want to achieve serivces will be negatively effected. We are trying to simplify, improve the service we provide, for this we are trying to gain innovation & best applications to our  hospital. Çözüm HIMS is one of them.


            -What are your opinions being the second Public Hospital that use Appointment System?

            -In our hospital appointed inspection is not mandatory. We accept patients without an appointment as well. However when appointment is obtained it is possible to be inspected without waiting. Our patients obtain Queue Number form policlinics & come to be inspected on the time. By that the accumulation before hospital is prevented. Our patients gain time to spend in hospital that they will spend in order to obtain Inspection Queue.


            -We have met child park like services in your hospital. Will you inform us about these applications?

            -By the transfer or Gynaecology Service to the additional building, the service in the old building is turned into Child Service. This service is completely controlled to become much more modern. Children fear form coming to hospital. In order to remove this we have stuck cartoon characters to floor. The children met these on coming to service & want to stay here by this surprise. In a short while we will change the uniforms or the nurses on duty in this section with uniforms that has cartoon characters on them. So our patients will not be afraid.


            We obtained information about Hospitals Social Service from Hospital Manager Halil Işık:

            -Will you please summarize the establishment aim of the Social Service?

            -We created a Social Service within the structure of our hospital in order to realize the treatment of old & the ones in need. A male & a female two personnel with a nursehelps the incoming patients to hospital, they trace the inspections & the results of their analysis & gave to the patients. We are trying to provide a qualified service by being helpfull to mother candidates & women with babies.

            We established Patient Rights Unit in our hospital. Patients requests towards hospital wokrs, complaints are obtained face to face here & treid to be solved by conducting to necessary units.

            We had an interview with Assistant Headdoctor Op. Dr. Enzar Töre in order to obtain his opinions about the past of Hospital Automation System & as a programmer:

            -Will you please tell us about the usage story Information Management System of your Hospital?

            -In year 2000 I have developed the Automation system of our hospital. Automation was working due to Barcode System & we could only placed 7 computers to Realization Service. The most important of all we were unable to place computers to policlinics.        


            However we had a software that could only be enough for the minimum financial necessities. For example we didnt have personnel program but we were able to calculate the salaries. In time the system got bigger. However the density of my administrative duties & software development, support missions could not be executed by a single person & we left my program. Anyway because of the increase in the volume of the hospital transaction the software must include a Full Automation. We made connections with companies that have Full Automation structure, turn key program developer companies. We established a commission made up of  fifteen physicians. Commission used its decision for Çözüm Bilgisayar.

            -What are the faced difficulties on the passing process to Automation?

            -Our Hospital had a determined infrastructure on Automation subject. Most of our patients were already recorded to automation. Since the current system records are transfered we didnt live much disorders. If we would be using automation for the first time since the records will be entered from the beginning we might have experienced difficulties. But this rate didnt exceed % 10 in our hospital.


            Our hospitals Realization & Admission Services had information about Automation. The pass of this services were without any disorders. However in some of the services there were personnel whom have never used computers. Inexperience of personnel in program usage, users education lacking in basic computer usage was our primary problem.


            Despite everytihng our studies show that, there is no need to fear Automation. It will be meaningless to say we can not mange this, our studies are not enough. The people who are assumed that they can not do this job are now using computers jofully. They come & ask why we didnt do this before. Form this point of view my comment to hospitals is, do not be ate in passing to Automation. Do not think whether you can do this or not.

            And while establishing the system do not think small, tthink in the way to cover all units. We have established a 100 computer system in our 400 bed hospital. We will increase the number very soon. My second comment to Hospitals, please examine ver carefully the software, company & support services that you will obtain. While passing to Automation do not decide without interviewing with Çözüm Bilgisayar. They will be happy in the end.


            -How do you evaluate Çözüm Software as a user & a programmer?

            -It is a fairly good program from point of Database programming. It is not only a patient record or realization program but a real Full Automation System. The first aim in automation is to obtain information. What is coming from where? Going to where? It is very important to obtain healthy information like Financial records. Withour possessing such kind of information you can not mange an institution like hospital which has a very high giro & too many personnel. A good automation must priorly provide healthy information flow. To my opinion Çözüm Bilgisayar all modules of software definitely provides this.


            For a good software, it is very important to have specialities that eases the service else than standard necessities, increases the relations with the citizens to modern level. Appointment Systems, Q-matic, Camera System, Kiosk Application etc. specialities are all present in Çözüm Software.


            All modules are working integrated & the system is designed in a very flexible structure. It is not a program that works under certain conditions, it has a flexibility that fits to improvements. There is a nucleotid structure that will manage the required alterations in software. My favorites are User Defined Reports. Each institution can make report designs due to their way of working.

            -What are the effects of Çözüm Telephone Appointment System in your hospital?

            -Telephone Appointment System is successfully applied in our hospital. It works completely robot system without using the human factor. We connected four of our lines as  PBX, voice reply system provides our patients to obtain appointment from their houses. When they reach to poliklinics they can be inspected in the time they took appointment.


            Both us & the patients are happy because of this appointment system. Citizens come to us either visiting our rooms or on the way & thank for it. This thank is told not only by the citizens but by the higher quarters as well. It is splendid that Telephone Appointment System removed the crowds before the policlinics.


            We continue to realize advanced projects on this subject. Internet Appointment will be presented to patients usage in a short time. The important thing here is not the method of the appointment but to decide the necessity of this system. After the decision is made this can be cellular phon or a system that includes advanced technologies. There is a definitre thing, Appointment systems must be applied in all institutions.


            -What is the Internet usage rate in your Hospital?

            -We have two web sites. One is our classic site, the other is the section where patients/patient relatives or physicians to enter & view the transactions.

            Administrators use Internet very much. That is the reason of providing Internet access to all computers. We administrators wanted to make users like the computers & managed this.

            Besides as our Internet server & program server are separate, we mange to work without any process density or virus effects.


            -What are the faced difficulties on solving your problems?

            -We never had a problem with Çözüm Bilgisayar. We didnt experience a disorder in the installation stage or the operation period. Our requests are realized as soon as possible as if in the beginning days.


            I imitate our cooperation with Çözüm Bilgisayar a marriage. I am talking about a continous relation. There is no understanding as “we bougth the program & everything is over”. The impor tant thing is the quality of hte service after selling.


            -In which stage is Çözüm Camera System in the Hospital?

            -Camera system is used in two places now. It is a fairly modern application. It is possible to access this camera images by enterig passwords from computers. For example; headdoctors can view blood units queue or the condition at information from their computers. We want to increase the number of the cameras next year & we want to view & record all units within our hospital. When this application is wdiespreaded in the hospital, it will be possible for patients & patient relatives to access with using their passwords to units like intensive care, operating hall that visitor physical access is forbidden. The more important is that our physicians will be able to view their patients conditions & treatment by cameras. 

            We made an interview with Realization Service Chief Ms. Eda Yıldırım about what has Automation Systems gained ease to Realization Service:


            -What did Çözüm HIMS gained to your Realization Service?

            -Before passing to Full Automation, in a system that we may call Half Automation we were entering the inpatienced or outpatienced patients transactions, on coming to Document Service we were entering the process to computer & printing the invoice after the Abridgement. After Full  Automation we placed computers to all services. All transactions of the patients began to be made by computers.

            In Full Automation patients all transactions are preapred & comes to us as ready. We observe the mistakes or extras here. We were only able to obtain information from a single service however now we are able to obtain healthy information from all services. The new system had eased our work. 


            First of all we have prevented the loss from point of realization. In a two months period by Çözüm HIMS we decereased our loss to %50. In the new system patient must be recorded to computer in order to realize the process no matter waged or official; it is not possible to achieve service unless paying if waged or finishing the transactions if official. Before Çözüm HIMS patients were able to go to policlinic without obtaining barcode. Physicians could realize the process without knowing.


            We were entering the transactions manually before. The rate of making mistake in manual processes were high & the control was hard. Documents were lost in our service, transactions were realized lacking, we had many number of printed faulty invoices. Now our rate of mistake has decreased very much. What is more we can easily determine which user made the mistake. We are examining the invoices and writing official letters to users in case of mistakes. You have made this mistake or that mistake is made for three times. So the personnel works more carefully in order not to make a mistake. Since the owner was not known at the previous system, when somtihng wrong occured the transactions could be continued since the owner was not known.


            Automation System removed the problem of document keeping. The risk of documents to be harmed, archive, transport difficulties exist. However in computer system they are in a condition to be stored safely. Especially Judicial document tracking is important. With Çözüm HIMS queries for past can be realized & previous records can be accessed so the past transaction of the hospital can be viewed. There are thousands of judicial cases applying to our hospital. It is very important to record & access on demand to judicial records for our hospital.


            -What are the faced difficulties on the passing stage?

            -We had some difficylties on the stage of passing to Automation. Since we had to work with people whom never used computers we experienced some mistakes in the beginning. They have entered the same process a few times, we have cancelled a lot of invoices. There were rezistants because of not knowing computers in the beginning. However as they began to use the system, something began to happen, they were very fond of it. First people were afraid thinking “if I use computer more I will make mistakes more”. On using they have seen that everything was just the opposite. They witnessed a more safe less mistake making & less difficulty system for the  processing one. And in a short time as two months we reached a very good condition.




