SSK Trabzon Hospital Outstanding andModern HospitalOf the 21st Century.
SSK Trabzon Hastanesi was established in East Black Sea region, where blue and green became united; with a 200 bed capacity in year 1967, to provide service for the regional people; today reached to 400 bed capacity service and with the improved automation system, became the most improved automation system using hospital. The hospital is serving for forty four years with the principle of “Human life and health is sacred”. Passing to full automation efforts are on the last phase and we made a conversation with the Assistant to Headdoctor Dr.Ahmet Şengezer in our visit as Çözüm News Magazine.
Assistant to Headdoctor Dr. Ahmet Şengezer have to undertake the responsibility of the hospital, since the headdoctor Muzaffer Akyazıcı was charged in another hospital; mentioned that they were spending efforts on catching the improving technology and to use it in the most efficient way, “especially after Dr. Muzaffer Akyazıcı became the headdoctor, the hospital improved in using technology”. Şengezermentioned that, the hospitals meeting with the automation system was in 1993 and told, “we had to use the recent technology in our hospital in order to provide a better service and to be more efficient. For this reason we decided to pass to automation system and initiated our researches. As a result of our researches we met with Çözüm Bilgisayar and we were very fond of their presented system. And by our association established on that term, our hospital took the first step to initiate the automation system”.
Şengezer, stated that the necessity of automation perceived itself in
each day and told that; “In 1996 though we partially passed to automation, the
hospital services gained an important speed rate, and both the administrative
personnel and the health workers efficiency increased. Almost all of the units
of our Hospital are included within the automation system. Besides Çözüm
Appointment by Telephone System is serving as a part of the automation. The
most important and the most comfortable used program is Çözüm Pharmacy program.
With Çözüm Pharmacy program, the service providing became very fast and
losses were prevented. Additionally, at policlinic pharmacy, with the automation
patients drug and services became faster. This application provided a big ease
to our hospital. Because, we are making the 20 % of the drug deductions of our
patients here. There were long queues in our units before. First the patients
have to pay for their share,
and have to participate in long queues. But now with the increase of the number of machines and their gaining functionality for a single process, we are able to provide our patients without queue suffering. This maintained a big advantage from point of decreasing the workload of the hospital and us being able to deliver drugs to our patients in shorter time.”
Şengezer told that Barcode System is another system used in the hospital, and by barcodes it is possible to record the patient information more healthy. Şengezer mentioned that, Eleven of the Twenty four policlinics work connected to Full Automation, with the Barcode System, there is no need to record for the patients in their following requests. The patient can be inspected in a very short time by barcode on attending to the policlinics. By that, our patient is not suffering distress and the physician is able to treat the patient. Besides Barcode System can reduce the recording phases of Laboratory, Roentgen and inspection scoped monitoring center processes to a very short time. We are trying to spread this system to all of our policlinics. We are trying to pass all of our policlinics to Barcode System, in order to speed up the hospital transactions, and decrease the waiting peirod of our patients within the policlinics.”
emphasized that, they have also added the Health Council to the system,
and by the next year they will pass to Full Automation System. Şengezer
mentioned that the infrastructure studies arrived at the last stage; “Our
infrastructure is almost finished owing to Çözüm Bilgisayar. After the passing
of policlinics to Full automation with the Barcode System, approximately the
Health Council will be ready in a months time and patients here will spend
minium time for the documentation processes. For today especially drug reports
are proceeded without any problem in daily processes. We have to give 2-3 days
interval to our patients in drug reports. When we will completely pass to Full
Automation, this time will be reduced to a day time instead of 2-3 days period.
From point of Patients, personnel and hospital works will be speeded, this
additions will provide a lot to us.” Şengezer mentioned that with the system
especially the management process of the hospital is simplified and the
stationary works reduced to minimum, “after the Disease Service, another
service where the stationary works are dense is the Abroad/Labourer Duty
Service. This service also provides duty to Bağ-Kur patients as well. We are
planning to pass this service to the automation after the Disease Service.
Later, gradually we are planning to take laboratories, roentgen, policlinics,
operating hall and birth hall to the system. When we bring all the planned
project to life, our patients will be defined and recorded to policlinics with
barcode, and will leave the hospital smiling in a short time without a necessary
second record”. Şengezer told that they have been working with Çözüm Bilgisayar since 1993, and added;
“I’ve actively participated in this
accompanys 5-6 years. Within this time Çözüm Bilgisayar, provided solutions to
our problems with their support. We owe Çözüm Bilgisayar of being so much loyal
to their responsibility. We owe our hospitals multi oriented system to Çözüm Bilgisayar. Our Hospital doesnt work with only a single unit. On the contrary includes multi oriented and independent various units. And we found a concordant automation system at Çözüm Bilgisayar.”
“Business Efficiency of our Hospital has
increased” Assistant to head-pharmacist Suna Köroğlu told that the system simplified the process evey passing day and mentioned that, before the computerized system, every single process was made manually in the pharmacy and it was impossible to prevent the losses. Köroğlu stated that the manual processes always cause a plenty of time loss and added; “In the beginning the prescirption, calculations were made manually. The patients have to join a three staged queue to obtain their drugs. First stage was calculating the prices. After the calculation of the prescription, the patient used to pay the money to the other side and after that, was able to obtain the drug. Because of this application both the patients and the hospital staff were experiencing lots of difficulties. A huge time loss was experienced and the leakage was unable to be prevented, there were plenty of stationary expenses. After passing to Çözüm Bilgisayar’s system, each patient can mange the process with a single operation. Since everything is recorded to the computers every record can be maintained with a single process. Köroğlu emphasized that the greatest profit of the system is increasing the work efficiency, “Besides we were doing everyting manually before, we were writing down the prescription and the daily drug expenditures manually as well. We were used to processing about a thousand or a thousand and five hundred prescriptions manually. Naturally there would be a lot of mistakes. Later in turn in order, these daily expenditures were collected in the daily noted books , then weekly and finally annual noted books. There were plenty of process and each was made up of several steps. We were facing to make mistakes at each step. When we open the cards with Çözüm Hospital Information Management System we are able to view every process and activity at once. We are able to control what is given when, and we can view the depot exits of the expensive drugs and their prescription. The most beautiful side of the system is, statistics to be obtained very easily. We can order our requests by controlling stock levels from computers and process daily depot exits”.
“Communication with Çözüm Bilgisayar is very easy”
Data Processing center Responsible Nergiz Günday mentioned that,
from the year of 1993, when they initiated the system with the Pharmacy program
till today, they have worked with Çözüm Bilgisayar, “at that time, the owner of
Çözüm Bilgisayar Mr Ömer Siso came and implemented the program himself. Finished
the Educations and we began to work with the program. Many things changed in our
study life”. “The System was not accepted by the workers and the patients on the
fiirst stage” and added; “the
acceptance became rather hard in fact. It is really hard for people to become
used to with innovation. The workers especially waited for an error every day.
There were some resistance but the following easiness made the system became the
unabandonable piece of life. We can never assume Pharmacy without computers.
Inpatience processes are completely under computer control. Günday mentioned that they are not using Çözüm Appointment by Telephone System in full time, due to regional specialities the full time application is not suitable, therefore they are able to use it partially. Günday, “because of the regional geographical properties, we are delivering Telephone appointments for afternoons. But the request for Çözüm Appointment by Telephone System is too much. The usage of the system is rather easy and we are using it with pleasure”. Şenay, “besides the system profits the other gaining is the communication with Çözüm Bilgisayar”. Şenay stated, “we mostly like the communication ease of Çözüm” and added; “after the each experienced disorder, it is very nice to find someone to solve the problem. Çözüm Bilgisayar is always in contact with us. Especially their support via Internet is great. Personally my opinion for Çözüm Bilgisayar to reference requisities is; every program has positive and negative sides. But the thing to be most dependable in Çözüm programs is support. In other words you can always find the company ready for support. Çözüm Bilgisayar workers not only help in mistakes and cease them but also correct the mistakes of the doctors as well. We pay attention to support very much. By Çözüm Bilgisayar, we find the solutions for our problems in the possible shortest time.”
“The Solution in Accountancy became the Çözüm Programs” Accountancy Unit Director İbrahim Turgut, told that they found the solution of the Accountancy Service in Çözüm Bilgisayar programs. Turgut mentioned that before the system implementation they had to engage any of the books manually, “we viewed many of ease of Çözüm Automation in accountancy field; we achieved time gaining and ease of use in both balance and inventory processes. We were struggling for weeks to obtain balance before, but it is now possible with a single button touch. Prior to System implementation we were using any books; Daily Wage Book, Auxiliary Book, Gross Book and they were processed by different people. Balance was produced at the end of the months, after these have been processed. As a matter of fact whole week was passing with producing balance and was causing a great loss of time. It was same in Inventory; we were used to struggle with Office Stock Inventory and Deposit Inventory, for weeks by type writers. Now we can enter to a single account and and reach to the process with a single button.” Turgut stated that the efficiency of the accountancy workers increased with the system, and this efficiency is reflected to the patients. Since the result is pleasing they are happy.
“Quality Insurance Program Studies
SSK Trabzon Hospital carries on different quality targets and quaity
policy efforts; “Quality steps are not for resting, the steps are made for the
climbing ones to hold their foot on a step in order to move the other to a
higher step. With this mentality the steps are being used not for resting but
for climbing”. SSK Trabzon
Hospital’s quality studies, continues due to the determined mission and vision
basis and renewals. “Quality appears to be a national event. Alteration, became
a non abandonable rule of the daily life. The structure of the new order is on
alteration and improvement basis. It is an approach that everyone can apply whom
have an aim due to TKK understanding and using sources for reaching this aim.
The real scope is to obtain service within current sources and using the sources
due to the aim in a most efficient way. Participant and human focused approach
is question due to an aim. Studies were initiated in SSK Hospital in 2000 towards this dimension. The policy of the Hospital is determined due to mission and vision, aim and basic values. The studies of determining patient needs, team working covering all hospital staff to obtain the service in quality standards of the world continues. In order to higher the quality and continous improvement, educational studies are increased. The most important source of the hospital is the non-top studies of the staff with self-denial and being open to innovation. In this long and tiring voyage, we obtain our strength from our cooperation and loyalty to work.
By handing the most respected, efficient and effective health service of
the world, we are planning to obtain the national quality award in the most
possible recent time”.
SSK Trabzon Hospital is applying Total Quality Program for the last six
years, and within this frame, presented other units among the realised ones to service. Çözüm News
Magazine obtained infromation about the SSK Trabzon Hospital special services
and standard service units;
“Everything for Babies”
Being Baby friendly hospital mother milk is being encouraged. For the first six months only mother milk and till 2 years of age the continuing of the mother milk is recommended.
“Appointment by Telephone”
In order to increase the spended time within the Hospital, appointments are began to be delivered by Çözüm Appointment by Telephone System, initiated on 1st of July 2003. The patients have to call at least a day before their required appointment day and by applying to the policlinic, obtain the receipt of their required clinic.
“Pharmacy” After the Hospital Pharmacy passed to the enumarating automation system, the patients are able to obtain their drugs in a short period without waiting for long queues and loosing time. “Blood Bank” From the Blood Bank unit of the Hospital, every year approximately two thousand patients obtain blood.
“Operating Hall” Appointment system is a base in Hospital operating hall, after the ordinary working hours, two teams provide twenty four hours service. “Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic Resonance apparatus and two laser cameras are active in a sixty
square meter field. Open MR
apparatus simplifies the patient sedation, and could be easily used in patients
who have clostrofobi. “Computerized Tomography
With a radiology specialist, experienced radiology technicians, nurse and
service personnel, serves for twenty four hours.