Objective News about Health & IT

Tekirdağ Public Hospital,

a hospital that is preparingto be a rival to the Private Hospitals.

            Atatürk prepared the 19th Ask Division which created the Çanakkale Epics in Tekirdağ city and started his first Ask Division Commandership on the 2nd of February 1915 in this city. After 14 years of time, on his another visit to Tekirdağ, he initiated the “Alphabet Reform” to be used as one of the most useful tools for developing the people of Republic, and gained the title Principal here; also tought his first lesson on the 23th of August 1928.

            Tekirdağ Public Hospital which has a past before the Republic and possess a different importance due to the services provided on Çanakkale War, is moving forward today with a bed capacity of 250 and the new Full Automation System to be a modern hospital. Tekirdağ Public Hospital was established by Tekirdağ Governor Mr. Zekeriya Zihni in 1915 with the name of “Nation Hospital”,  and the hospital carries a special importance due to services provided in the Çanakkale War. After the establishing of the republic, the hospital improved because of the past services and the location and todays name is given in 1958. The hospital developed every year and now is preparing to establish Full Automation System with Çözüm Bilgisayar and we took information about the hospitals evolution; as Çözüm News Magazine.


            The hospital is located in Tekirdağ city center. The neatly prepared environment and trees and rest banks attracts the attention on first glance. The headdoctor Dr. Mehmet Berkyürek accepted us to his office and mentioned about the hospitals studies and aim to Çözüm News Magazine. Berkyürek told that he has been on duty in the hospital for 21 years and he is the headdoctor of the hospital for 9 months. Berkyürek mentioned that he has been in duty in almost every branch of the hospital for years and for this reason he both knows the regional people and the hospital very well. He added, “I am living the advantage of working in the same hospital for a long time. My experience on the problems of the Hospital and the patient requests provides me to take healthy precautions. The most important problem through out my working period was disorder. The reason of the disorder was trying to execute everything in old and ancient way. Contrary to the technological improvement we were trying to do everything, including the records manually”. Berkyürek told that, the 250 bed capacity of hospital, served for thousands of people yearly, thousands are inpatienced, thousands of operations are realized, and added;

            “We have no chance to realize all of these with the old system. The most important confusion was this. We were unable to receive the return of our services. In order to obtain this, we had to invoice them. But with the old system it was not possible. Besides, being a Public Hospital; beside our  medical side, we had the obligation to records of Previous Convictions. From point of records of Previous Convictions, the records should be very tidy and the archive must be without any missings. For this reason the most important thing to do is, after the determination of these, solving the problems. In other words to reach to a Çözüm (solution) with Full Automation System.

Berkyürek mentioned that they have made several interviews and searches for Automation System, and the final result of these lead them to a single direction. Berkyürek stated that this direction was Çözüm Bilgisayar, “we made several interviews with companies, however we could only find the adequate program in Çözüm Bilgisayar.”


            Berkyürek told that after the interviews with Çözüm Bilgisayar, when they reached at the point of solving their problems, their self confidence had inceased, and on May 2003 the Automation System was initiated. Berkyürek emphasized that the reason of the economical distress is mostly unregistered economy, “our distress is because that we cannot obtain the returns of what we have worked. When these are registered, in other words when the realized work can be shown we knew what we will obtain. By starting Automation we found the chance to view this fact as the system showed itself.” Berkyürek told that on their first searches they thought, “lets start with 15-20 terminals, after a period we will reach to more number of terminals” but after the interviews with Çözüm Bilgisayar they witnessed that this number can be much more increased. Berkyürek told that the first agreement with Çözüm Bilgisayar was for 30 terminals, “however the system is not limited. We have seen that we can increase the number of terminals as much as we want. With the material and the moral help of Tekirdağ people, we have now been increased to 50 terminals. This is very important for a hospital”.


            Berkyürek stated that, on the implementation phase of the system, Çözüm Bilgisayar gave all kinds of support by sending the necessary equipment leading with Education and Support Specialist Mr. Serdal Güzel. Headdoctor Berkyürek mentioned that on the system implementation phase, they thought that they would live distress, “but that wasnt the way we thought or we feared. After the System implementation and the start, we were about to be working with the system for years.


            Both our workers and our interns adapted with the system in a very short period. They understood the system and began to use. The System was so simple and so easy to use that we began to work as if we have adapted the system long ago. This was the sign that our problems  will be solved in a short while. The distress of the first day was naturally because of being inexperienced”.



            Berkyürek mentioned that in all of the units of the hospitals the systems are implemented within one and a half months time, with the support of Çözüm Bilgisayarand the working desire of the administrattive personnel has increased more. Yavuz, “by viewing and using the program, our staff began to work in a more efficient way. But most important than that our rate of mistake decreased. Since this lowered the rate of losses of the hospital, obtained us to work more comfortably”.


“It is obvious that our work will be much more easy”


            Head-pharmacist Reyhan Çelikkaya –serving in Tekirdağ Public Hospital for 16 years-, declared that with the new system they will obtain a more comfortable and efficient working opportunity. Çelikkaya mentioned that, the program hasn’t settled completely in the Pharmacy unit yet, “we are not able to use all features of the program yet. Çözüm Bilgisayar Education Support specialists are implementing the program step by step, so that the pharmacy staff adopts the programs and work without any mistakes. In other words, if it will be totally implemented, it will not be possible for us also to learn all features at once”. Çelikkaya told that, by the relaxation of the process with the system, they will be able to provide better service to the patients, “it is easily seen that our work will be easier”.

“We will be able to pay more attention to our patients”

            Head nurse Münevver Solak told that with the automation system, the treatment and inpatience processes have gained speed. Solak mentioned that the previous process were by means of stationary and for this reason they were not quick enough, “the major loss was time. For this reason since we were unable to be interested in the patients adequately, they were complaining about the situation. We were not efficient enough. With the new system we will finish the process in a shorter time and we will be able to spare more time to our patients”. Solak stated that there are some matters because of being inexperienced but on getting used to the program they are decreasing. Solak emphasized that, with the regularity of the system, the work is getting in order more quickly, especially in services.


“System is exactly a profit”

             Data Processing Responsible Mr. Ali Taylan informed us about the system and told that the system was began to be implemented on May and by June, activated with 12 terminals, which reached a number of 50 terminals today. Taylan mentioned that all of the units of the hospital are included to the system, “starting with First Record, patient services, Laboratory, Roentgen, Blood Bank, Waged Cashier, Pharmacy and Service Pharmacies are included to the system. We didnt even think that we will be able to join all in the beginning. But on exploring the program, we are trying to include our policlinics to the system as well. We are making tests for this”.


            Taylan stated that, each innovation brings some problems with it and this is natural; “you are deleting a system that you are used to and became an addiction for years; and replacing it with a new system. From this point of view we thought that we will face lots of problems. However we didnt expect them to be so less.

Honestly we never thought to be adopted to a system will be so easy. Program is so clear that you can easily learn and get adopted.” One of the important profits of the new system is, the chance of solving the missing and the problems more quickly”.

            Taylan mentioned that, before the system implementation the records were made manually and they had to act due to approximate numbers, “to make everyhing manually is naturally loss of time and financial losses were also originated. Now every process is under recording. We are able to view each process and every patient coming and leaving the hospital. We believe that with this system we will be able to reach comfort in a short period”.

            Taylan told that they are able to learn whether the Bağ-Kur patients has premium debts by the system from Internet and the patient record is realized due to this information. Taylan added that one of the important ease and renewal is, by the system the functionality of the hospital can be displayed to the patients,“with the monitors placed in the hospital entrance and the cafeteia, daily policlinic  information can be notified to patients from screen. This process is not for show only, data and the progress changes in every 30 seconds. This can be done by the system. This is a time saving for both patient and for us”.

            Taylan also mentioned that, with the Barcode application of the system, the losses are prevented; before the barcode application, especially the invoices of the dispatched patients of the public institutions cannot be realized, and for this reason there were huge financial losses. Taylan, “with the barcode application, we are able to record down the public institution patients and we are able to invoice the given services.”


Taylan told that, Çözüm Bilgisayar staff are giving periodical seminars to the Hospital staff and added;


            “On recognizing the program we understand that, by prefering Çözüm Bilgisayar we ended up a correct decision. We thought that in such a period only the half of the system can be implemented. However the system is almost completely implemented. This is not just because that the program is very qualified; Çözüm Bilgisayar's continous support has a big share on this.”
