Sisoft at 1. International Turkey Medical Alumni Congress

1st International Turkey Medical Alumni Congress was held on June, 13th - 17th at WOW Airport Hotel in Istanbul. There had been nearly 500 people from different 26 countries. During theevent; keynotes were Turkish Minister of Health Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, Spec. MD, former Turkish Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, Yemen Minister of Health Ahmet Kasım El Arsi, Sudan Ministerof Health İdris Ebu Garda and Kosovo Minister of Health Ferid Agani.

Sisoft was the IT sponsor of the event. Asit always has been, Sisoft welcomed the attendees and visitors at its Digital Hospital Booth. Sisoft's web-based HIS system and mobile applications in healthcare were attracted a great attraction. Turkey has put its signature under important successes at health field that the whole world has appreciated in last ten years. Through these developments, Turkey has turned in to regional attraction center at health education, health tourism and all kind of health service supply. As Sisoft, we are very proud of being a part of all those developments and enhancements.
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