Objective News about Health & IT

HIMSS Europe President Visited Sisoft

            Sean M. Roberts HIMSS Global Business Development Manager and Christina Roosen HIMSS Europe's Executive Manager paid a visit to our country to learn more about Healthcare Informatics in Turkey. HIMSS's authorities visited Sisoft R&D office, Ministry of Health and General Directorate of Healthcare Information Systems along with the hospitality of Nejat Ünsal Director of  International Affairs 


HIMSS authorities visited Deputy Undersecretary Dr. Ekrem Atbakan at his office and discussed Health Transformation Program and IT applications in our country.


Within the scope of the visit, HIMSS authorities told about the leading implementations in world health informatics.  Authorities of Ministry of Health explained the recent developments in healthcare in Turkey. They said Turkey can be a role model for many European Country if developments in Turkey are mentioned in congresses in Europe.

After that, visitors visited Simulation Center of Ministry of Health in General Directorate of Healthcare Information System and said “… There is not a single country with even 50% of what we see here”. A meeting was organized in Directorate Unit with the hospitality of Project Manager Mervan Rahman. Participants were Sisoft's CEO Ömer Siso, Deputy Manager Dr. Necat Çakmak and Necat Ünsal.

HIMSS delegation really appreciated the Digital Hospital Concept. They also mentioned that HIMSS has a staging concept by which many hospitals in USA and Europe are subjected to a test and given Stage 6 or 7 Certification. In this regard, Ankara Gazi Mustafa Kemal Public Hospital can also be subjected to the evaluation and it may be world's 26th hospital with 6/7 Stage Certificate. 



HIMSS is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving healthcare quality, safety, cost-effectiveness, and access, through the best use of information technology and management systems. Originally founded in 1961 as the Hospital Management Systems Society, it is now headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. The society includes more than 35,000 individual members, over 520 corporate members, and more than 120 not-for-profit organizations. HIMSS is a US 501(c)6 organization.


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