Gaziantep 25 Aralık State Hospital The love of nature, turning green from dried and hot soil, in
mainland of Ayıntab has enshrined in Ayıntab locals' heart from the first
habitation until today. All historical period's trails acted as a witness in
the primordial vicinity in Anatolia where the technology and the stone age
materials were used for the first time. Ayıntab which is a
beautiful and orderly city throughout history, had been exposed to enemy
invasion after the First World War.
In that years there were no flowers that had come into blossom in
In order to have some information about
What are the basic facilities of technological investments for your
hospital? For instance; how did the information management system change
hospital functionality?
In the early years that we graduated from school, hospital records
were being made and displayed manually. It was practically impossible to reach
the previous information of a patient. It was very hard to make a transaction on
paper files and register books. The file archiving was very hard all by itself.
Moreover paper file records didn't contain all kinds of transactions during
patient entry and exit. We were generally making diagnosis and treatments with
imperfect data. So it was dicier for making medical error.
Now it is easier and possible to decide after examining patients'
previous medical histories by means of electronic health records through
information management system. So the possibility of making a mistake is
minimized. By controlling income/expense, requirements, payments, debt owed,
fiscal deficits; we strengthened our hospital's management system. We
currently use Çözüm HIS in our hospital. This is the information age. We
convert successfully the information into power with the help of our
information management system.
You made reference to manage entirely the hospital as integrated via
all its components.
Before anything else we got rid of bookkeeping operations. Because
bookkeeping operations and stationery materials are also financially very
expensive. It became very useful, for instance; instead of these expenses, we
can fulfill hospital's other needs. We are living in country with limited
sources. Thus it is very important to remove bookkeeping operation expenses
by productive usage of our sources. By means of information management
system, we prevent also labor loss. So we have lots of financial gain. We keep
down the costs while working productively and controlled with our staff. We
prevent also financial losses derived from formality works that hinder main
The patients' financial informations that we had sent to MEDULA
enabled to have correctly billing informations. We accomplished our integration.
The loss rate is almost 100%.
Does the obtained informations enable a feedback in decision-making
processes? How do you evaluate continuous information flow?
As hospital administration; we need always healthy information in
decision-making process. There is always an information flow from each unit by
means of our full automation system. We reach rapidly and orderly to those
informations. We can reach easily all of the information in all our units like
pharmacies, storages and surgery rooms. We organize what to do in our units in
order to realize necessary transactions. Our guide for planning and strategical
decisions is information.
In order to have more detailed information about information
management system, we interviewed with Deputy Head Physician; Dr. Murat
Starting from the installation of Çözüm HIS in your hospital, could
you tell us what are the contributions to the hospital that is located in the
best area in
As you mentioned; our hospital is located in the
best place and in a central area in
Our information management system must have a structure that is also
innovative and can satisfy heavy patient traffic, regulations and technological
We noticed that we were not using all modules though Çözüm HIS had
being used in our hospital for 5 years since 2006-2007. We thought that using
all the modules in the hospital will speed transactions up, enable electronic
environment transactions, increase the productivity and prevent billing
We made the modules functional in our unites. We started to use full
automation system in our hospital. By transferring data via computer, we are
able to control the system. We realized that we accomplished lots of work
such as storing records, speeding up and billing operations in a short time.
We did not have billing on hand anymore. For this reason; we had 8-10
trillions of income last year.
Do you use Automatic Billing System of Çözüm HIS? What are its
Our billing unit is operating without problem by means of
Automatic Billing System of Çözüm HIS. Invoice operations can be realized
automatically by means of that system. We are able to operate billing
operations in a desired time period. Our staffs in billing unit are trying
to do their best so as to solve all kinds of billing problems. This facilitates
all our works by billing automatically.
All automation system must include assessment of expenditure and
revenue realization system. Thus, we preferred to work with Çözüm
Bilgisayar which has a full automation system.
I think that it was an important preference and we are in a good
condition in various points. I don't think that we have big problems that
can not be solved. But it doesn't stand for that we have accomplished all
necessary transactions. As hospital directory; we will always try to do our
best. We will make a great effort in order to enable our patients' happiness.
By means of our Information Management System, we obtained a
structure that discipline and control our business life. We are able to control
how many hours and in which polyclinic the physicians worked, income statue and
which service unit is available. In concern with Material Management System, we
are able to reach stock and bidding process informations.
We pulled together with our automation system. We worked like a solution partner with our hospital directory and staffs. We demand from them to work like a participant not like a user. We realized training programs about the notices published by Ministry of Health.
We negotiated with Hospital Manager; Metin Mayda so as to learn
administrative contributions of Information Management System to the
What are the needed administrative factors of Health care information
systems? Is it possible to explain it with examples?
No sooner we inaugurate, we realized a feasibility study. As a
consequence of that work, we did some planning so as to provide a better
qualified service. And now we are struggling for that. Fundamental changes have been realized since SII period in our hospital. We put various improvements into service of our patients. We always preferred the newest and the most technological one. Our full-automation system is one of that. While some hospitals are using just a few modules, we have full-automation system which is put in the agenda by a great number of hospital.
Could you inform us about your hospital information management
system? Are there any problems that you encounter?
We realized our full-automation system with Çözüm HIS. We planned
that the quality of service will be enhanced only with a good software. We are
resuming our studies in a cooperation. They always support us. As hospital
directory; we also provide training support for our staff. By the end of the
year 2010; we will provide a better service than private ones. We believe that
we can accomplish it in a short term by pulling together with our information
processing company, hospital directory, our staff and patients.
Our Head Physician has a vast vision and a study effort. He is a good
manager who tries to do his best with his study effort and dynamism so as to
make our hospital the best in the region. As hospital directory; we are
conscious of the plus value of this situation. It is inevitable to succeed for
an administration which pulls together. Thus we are proceeding step by step.
We don't have any problem with our full-automation system which is
one of the sum and substance in our hospital. We have no doubt about the
interest and sympathy of our staff. Henceforward we will have the aim of a
better service by ameliorating physical conditions like enriching device and
equipment pool.
How electronic health records, statistics and calculations effect the
financial records at the hospital? Could you compare hospital income with
previous records?
While each hospital examine the features of hospital automation
system, all is formed within the scope of functionality and financial gains. The
key rule is based upon the control of the whole system.
Recording and controlling the whole transactions enables financial
loss to minimize. We can state them like forgetting records through an
oversight, irregular or missing entry, abuse of records.
Bad planning also results in financial losses. It is inevitable to
access purchasing operations, current expense situation, effective spending
methods in hospital budget.