Sisopacs Won The Healthcare Projects Award In the scope of “Information Technologies Service Awards 2014” , Sisopacs which is the product of Sisoft Healthcare Information Technologies has won the award in “Healthcare Projects” categorie.
In Turkey IT Association 31. National IT Convention, President of IT Council Tayfun Acarer ahs placed as major speaker and mentioned these topics during his speech;
“There is a subject which has been paid attention by the convention, sharing the data which belong to public. This subject is being discussed in EU Council as well. Personal data will be effective on the future’s commerce, we therefore determine politics about this subject. There are great opportunuties within this issue. I’m worrying about missing these opportunuties. Personal data are the future of the commerce therefore we should not only think that as “protecting the personal data” so far.
In the scope of Information Technologies Serwice Awards 2014, General Manager of the Sisoft Healthcare Information Technologies, has taken the award from Ersin taşçı and Turan Menteş.