Sisoft takes pride in presenting most advanced health IT solutions to all healthcare providers that are certified under the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. SisoHIS meets requirements for Meaningful Use and in service of hospitals worldwide.

Certified EHR Vendor and Product Information

Vendor Name Sisoft Healthcare Information Systems
Certified EHR Name SisoHIS

Certified EHR Version

CHPL Product Number
ONC-ACB Certification ID
Certification Date Jun 21, 2018
Certification Modular EHR
Requirements Edition  
Certification Criteria • 170.315 (a)(1) Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) – Medications
• 170.315 (a)(2) Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) – Laboratory
• 170.315(a)(3) Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) – Diagnostic Imaging
• 170.315 (a)(4)Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE
• 170.315 (a)(5) Demographics
• 170.315 (a)(9) Clinical Decision Support
• 170.315 (a)(12) Family Health History
• 170.315 (a)(14) Implantable Device List
• 170.315 (a)(15) Social, Psychological, and Behavioral Data
• 170.315 (d)(1) Authentication, Access Control, and Authorization
• 170.315 (g)(5) Accessibility-Centered Design
• 170.314(d)(2) Auditable Events and Tamper Resistance
• 170.314(d)(3) Audit Reports
• 170.314(d)(4) Amendments
• 170.314(d)(5) Automatic Access Time-Out
• 170.314(d)(6) Emergency Access
• 170.314(d)(7) End-user Device Encryption
• 170.314(d)(8) Integrity
• 170.314(d)(9) Trusted Connection
• 170.314(d)(10) Auditing Actions On Health Information
• 170.314(d)(11) Accounting of Disclosure
• 170.315(d)(12) Encrypt Authentication Credentials
• 170.315(d)(13) Multi-Factor Authentication
• 170.314(e)(3) Patient Health Information Capture
• 170.314(f)(5) Transmission to public health agencies – electronic case reporting
• 170.314(g)(3) Safety-enhanced Design
• 170.314(g)(4) Quality Management System
• 170.314(g)(7) Application Access – Patient Selection
Additional Software Required Following software may be required additionally; server operating system software, server data base software, anti-virus software.
Additional Types of Costs In case Microsoft is prefered as server database software, hospital will be charged a license fee. But if Linux is chosen as server database, hospital is not charged any fee. In addition, SisoHIS chooses Oracle servers as its platform, therefore hospital will be charged for this service as well. Other types of costs may arise if hospital requests integration with drug databases.


This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

ONC CERTIFIED HIT® is a registered trademark of HHS.

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