Oral Diagnosis, Planning, Examination and Treatment Records can be kept.


Oral Diagnosis, Planning, Examination and Treatment charts can be compared and the related records can be kept. The oral and dental health information in the file, are recorded in an electronic environment like Oral Examination, Examination Results, Treatments, Diagnosis, Prescribed Medications etc. The Special Health Information of the patient (Diabetes, Allergy, Bleeding Problems, Submaxilla-Maxilla Problems) are recorded in detail. The whole records such as Examination, Consultation, Control, Referral Operations (where – why and by whom) can be kept.

     Marking option is available on denture models.

     After modeling baby teeth and permanent teeth, we can mark. The gingiva and dentin injuries can be recorded by marking on denture model. After detailed examinations, it is easy to enter data, explanation and plans on model teeth. The treatment processes, the doctor info and Decision Info can be recorded.

     The Storeroom, Stock and Inventory Stock Follow-up of the materials

     Entrance/Exit/Stock/Request operations of the material and prosthesis for oral and dental treatment can be made. The used materials are removed automatically from the stock. If the stock reaches to risk level, the user is alerted by the system. According to Movable Estate Regulation; Storeroom, Stock and Inventory Stock follow-up can be realized. Working in an integrated manner with Device Follow-up Module, all the devices in the unit can be followed-up in detail.

     Appointment Cancellation and Update operations are available

     Working in an integrated manner with Patient Admission Module and appointment systems, appointment cancellation and update operations can be performed. By means of the appointment systems working integratedly with polyclinic module, it is possible to get an appointment without an intermediary system. It terminates the queue problems in front of patient admission department and information office department. The treatment and laboratory result reports are sent to the patient via e-mail or SMS. The dental images can be recorded in a CD.

     Searching with multi-option query criterion

     It is easy to make a search  on request with ID Number, Operation Number, File Number and Protocol Number. The previous informations of the patient can be monitored with Date, Protocol Number and Service and Operation Info. Searching with multiple choice query criterion option is available for oral and dental health treatment. We can obtain various statistics about the operations on the module. The queries can be replied and the reports can be printed in an integrated manner with all printers (Inject, Laser, Dot Matrix). The whole necessary report lists and printed documents can be printed.

     All operation cost are reflected automatically to the financial record of the patient.

     All kinds of operation costs of oral and dental treatment in the clinic, are reflected automatically to financial records of the patient. The whole treatment operations can be monitored in Circulating Capital Module, Billing Module and Pay Desk Module. The Doctor Checking and Budget Circulating Capital Accounts can be realized. The receipt integration is available.