Blood and blood products in stock can be reserved and reserve history can be followed. The exit of reserved blood and blood products (Date/Time etc.) can be done. The input/output process of blood and blood products can be realized manually or with a barcode reader. It is possible to make a search according to product range and to blood group between the blood stocks. You can see the informations as barcode (the cupboard and location informations) on blood and blood products (plastic blood bag). By means of barcode on plastic blood bags, the error rate can be reduced and the functioning accelerates. A singular blood number is designated automatically or as per order for each blood record. The next processes are being followed with that blood number of the patient.
RFID labels prevent making errors.
With the help of RFID labels on tubes, plastic blood groups; it is provided to make errors as designating what do they contain and who does belong to? By means of RFID labels of all bloods; it is possible to see all actions about blood groups.
Critical Stock Level
We can see the critical blood bank stock level. We can draw up a report comparing it with the stock material. The user is alerted when the stock level reaches to critical level. Working with blood centers in an integrated manner, it can track the critical level of the other blood centers. The request made by whom can be seen by Blood Bank Module User. Blood returns can be followed-up regularly in stock. It can be tracked to which patient are the blood and blood products given?
Blood and blood products can be displayed in the way of blood group and term.
The system alerts us about blood and products that are about to run out and related lists can be obtained. The disposal information of blood and blood products are recorded firstly then they are disposed of. They are removed from the stock only for the disposal operation. A Product Record Form is formed for blood products. The expiry date is calculated automatically for blood, thrombocyte and tritrosit.
Cross-match Follow-up is being realized.
A cross-match book is kept for the bloods that are sent to the service. Blood Group Registration Form is written out for registered patients. You will be alerted by the system if there is an error between the patient register and planned blood group. Cross-match and other tests are being made automatically and entered up in patient file. Working integratedly with LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System), it enables following all the tests by LIMS and Blood Bank. For Elisa test (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), an Elisa Registration Form can be prepared. HBS, AG, HIV and VDRL informations and recording other examination results, can be displayed in the services.
The donor and blood center info is recorded.
The requests of blood and blood products related to emergency, inpatient, outpatient and surgery room/delivery rooms are performed. It is possible to record and report for blood banks. The necessary warnings are made by giving priority to the requests made in Emergency Service, Surgery Room and Delivery Room. The donor information of blood and blood products (identity information, address, prior blood donation) and the bank name (Blood center) can be recorded in the system. As per order, the previous blood information of the donor and test results (time, blood group, product volume etc.) can be printed and be given to the donor.
It is possible to refuse the donor and dispose of the products.
The refusing and disposal reasons of the donor are recorded in the system. Thus; the next time coming, this donor will be prevented after being recognized by the system. So the contagious diseases that are menacing for the human being are prevented. It is decided that whether the donor will be able to donate his/her blood the next time or not. If the blood is not used, Service Return Book can be formed.Â
The analysis and record statistics are available.
The various analysis and record statistics in blood center are available. The queries can be answered and the reports can be printed. The blood requirement in blood bank can be learned and the various statistics can be produced. The monthly and annual reports demanded by Ministry of Health can be formed automatically